Chris Granger, a photographer with|The Times-Picayune, spent a good part of the past two weeks knee deep in flower farms around New Orleans for a story on the nascent cut-flower farming movement. Walking through fields of zinnias in bloom must have triggered something in Granger, a man who has been known to spend spring evenings handpicking caterpillars off his organic tomato plants rather than use pesticides.
In a series of videos, he asked four dedicated flower farmers some silly but surprisingly insightful questions: What's your favorite flower and why? What is a surprisingly easy flower to grow in New Orleans? What is the hardest flower to grow here? What one plant would you take with you to a desert island? And if you could engineer any flower, what would it be and what would it look like?
Their answers may make you want to plant a few new things in your garden.
To read the rest of the story, please go to:|The Times-Picayune