Growers Beware! Trucks Are Being Unloaded At The Canadian Border

It has been brought to the attention of the CNLA that occasionally trucks loaded with nursery stock and destined for the US are being unloaded for additional inspections. These additional inspections, which are ordered by the US Customs and Border Protection appear to be random in nature and nursery stock or floriculture product is not being specifically targeted. In all instances, all paperwork requirements, including phytosanitary certificates, etc. have been acknowledged to be completely in order. Most of this activity is taking place in BC at the Oroville and Sumas border crossings, although we have received anecdotal information that this practice has occurred at certain Ontario border points as well.

The reason cited for the complete de-vanning of trailers relates to the health and safety requirements of the inspectors, as they are not otherwise able to complete full inspections in a safe manner. The re-loading of trucks is at the full responsibility and cost of the nursery and/or greenhouse.

Although these extra inspections are not related to the actions of CFIA or USDA-APHIS, the staff of CFIA and AAFC have been extremely helpful in assisting CNLA to determine the cause of these actions. Further, we have had the opportunity to make the agricultural post at the Canadian Embassy in Washington aware of this situation. If your company is targeted for extra inspection, you are requested to collect and submit to CNLA as much information as possible on the incident. Further actions are not possible without detailed and documented information.

Contact: 1-888-446-3499, ext. 8686.

Source: Canadian Nursery Landscape Association