Flowers Canada Growers Initiates Project Focused On Floriculture Export Consistency

Flowers Canada Growers Inc. (FCG) is pleased to announce the commencement of a new project entitled “Trade Security for Floriculture: Assuring Market Access through Producer Consistency.” This project will develop training resources to help flower exporters learn and manage the upcoming United States-Canada Greenhouse-Grown Plant Certification Program (GCP).

Who this applies to:

  • For greenhouses that currently export greenhouse-grown plants for planting to the United States under the Canadian Greenhouse Certification Program (D-96-12)
  • Greenhouses that intend to export greenhouse-grown plants for planting to the USA in the near future
  • For greenhouses that supply other greenhouses that will be exporting plants

Project details:

  • FCG is developing a training program for current exporters, and greenhouses that would be interested in exporting under the new program
  • The training program will be available by Spring 2018, and will include both on-facility and online components
  • FCG is very positive about the new program as it holds many opportunities

Timeline for GCP rollout:

  • CFIA is currently developing the policy and internal guidelines for the new GCP program (D- 16-02) based on the Technical Requirements Document
  • CFIA anticipates having D-16-02 ready for a formal stakeholder consultation period (60d) by the end of April or end of May
  • Implementation is expected to rollout over a 2-year transition period starting this fall (September 2017)
  • Until greenhouses are fully on the new program as an Authorized Facility, continue to follow the existing D-96-12

For more information on this announcement or project, please contact Jeanine West (, or Guillaume Gregoire ( for support in French

Funding for this project has been provided by the Government of Canada, Flowers Canada Growers Inc., and the Fédération Interdisciplinaire de l'Horticulture Ornementale du Québec.

Source: Flowers Canada Growers