Florists In 31 States To Date Commit To Petal It Forward On Oct. 11: Goal Is All 50 States

Florists across the country and Canada are getting ready to show their communities how good it feels to give and receive flowers. At press time, florists in 31 states and 57 cities had committed to holding local Petal It Forward events on Oct. 11.

“If you plan to Petal It Forward on Oct. 11, please fill out the participation form at,” said Jennifer Sparks, the Society of American Florists’ Vice President of Marketing. “This will help SAF update to show the media that Petal It Forward is happening all over the country — and having florists in all 50 states could increase the industry’s chances for news coverage on the benefits of flowers.”

For the third year in a row, SAF is leading the industry in Petal It Forward. During this “random acts of kindness” flower giveaway, consumers receive two flower bouquets (or flowers) — one to keep and one to share — to demonstrate the Rutgers University research that shows flowers make people happy and are encouraged to post on social media about their experience using the hashtag #petalitforward.

Source: To read the rest of the story, please go to: Society of American Florists