Florint And Chrysal Agree On The Importance Of A Flower Conditioning Policy

In the florist industry, it is all about satisfied customers. Customers are very critical and have lots of outlets to choose from. The florists need to distinguish themselves through added value, good customer service and flowers in excellent condition, in order to generate and increase sales. To constantly supply top quality flowers cannot be realised without a thorough approach to optimizing the flower condition. Many florists underestimate the importance of spending time and money on a good flower-conditioning policy. They need to realise that their main competitors, the supermarkets, are already ahead in quality control, as they are often able to control the complete supply chain. Which implies that we’re at risk of ‘good product quality’ no longer being an argument for going to the florist!

During a recent meeting of Florint’s taskforce commercial development and representatives of Chrysal International, the issue of the limited awareness amongst florists of the importance of optimising flower condition was a major topic. Both parties totally agree that this is a threat for the market position of the specialised flower retailers and that things should be done to improve the situation. Florint and Chrysal agreed on a joint approach regarding this important issue. Firstly, by increasing the awareness of florists throughout Europe of the necessity to implement a conditioning strategy regards all aspects of handling the product, from the moment that the flowers enter the shop through the “back door”, until they leave the “front door” in the hands of a consumer.

Product quality is obviously an issue of the whole flower trade chain, guided by the principle of the chain being as good and strong as its weakest link. Awareness of this, meanwhile, is part of the mindset of loads of entrepreneurs in the floral industry. Florists however, must be aware that the same goes for the product handling chain within their shop, starting with the cleaning of flowers and putting them in clean water with a good conditioner, continuing with constant care for the flowers in the shop and ending with giving advice to the customer and adding sufficient flower conditioner for a vase life that will satisfy the client. Only then will the florist optimize his own chances in the hard struggle for survival, which the competition in the floral business is.

To read the rest of this story please go to: Florint.org