The spring edition of Florall attracted 84 exhibitors and a lot of visitors from Flanders and abroad. A fairly complete range of green and flowering houseplants and all kinds of visually attractive plants was shown, often with multiple applications for the garden and patio, but also suitable for the living room.
Once again, a professional jury awarded potentially interesting innovations. In the category ‘variety’ there were 16 entries, including beautiful acquisitions. With ‘For every garden’ there was also a new concept awarded. After an intense deliberation, in which the botanical characteristics, the possibilities for application and the added value in the garden center were weighed, the jury decided to award Rosa ‘Green Summer’ with gold; Distylium ‘Swing Low’ (PIIDIST-VI) – (First Editions®) took silver and Taxus baccata ‘TINY T’ took bronze. In its assessment, the jury weighed heavily on the added value the new cultivars bring to the existing range of their species.
- Lucien Verschoren, AVBS, president Belgian nurserystock Association
- Els Pauwels, researcher PCS, Destelbergen
- Dirk Ballekens, Director Belgian Garden Centre Association
To read the rest of the story, please go to: VLAM