FloraHolland To Make Changes To The Management Team

As of 1 May, the FloraHolland Board will be making changes to the composition of the Management Team. As a result, the duties will be more clearly and fairly distributed and it will be clearer who has ultimate responsibility regarding both customers and costs. Strategy, marketing and business development will also be more highly prioritized.

FloraHolland is opening a new chapter in its history. Through Kompas we will get the company back in shape, enabling us to start building our future, one with lots of challenges, such as decreasing auction-clock volumes, continuing supply chain shortening, internationalization and virtualization. Lucas Vos: "FloraHolland is one of the major players in the global floriculture industry and I am convinced that the new composition of the Management Team puts us in the best possible position to continue to build on that."

As of 1 May, Erik Leeuwaarden will no longer be a member of the Management Team. Instead he will take on project consultancy for the property portfolio and management of FloraHolland's holdings. Erik Leeuwaarden: "I will continue to be involved in several key developments regarding the auction. In addition, I will have time for various other matters."

Composition of new management team

General Manager   Lucas Vos
Chief Financial Officer  Rens Buchwaldt
Commerce    Servaas van der Ven
Operations   Marcel Claessen
Strategy, Marketing &
Business Development  Dirk Hogervorst
Finance    Martijn Meskers
HR   Dimitri Markidis

Information & Automation (I&A)  JanPaul Landman

Source: FloraHolland