FloraHolland – A number of motions were passed during the well-attended FloraHolland general members' meeting in Naaldwijk. The members approved the new advisory structure for the purposes of increasing member involvement and FloraHolland taking over the financing of Flower Council Holland [Bloemenbureau Holland; BBH]. The annual plan and the budget for 2012 were also approved by the members. There was wholehearted approval of the statutory name change from FloraHolland to ‘Koninklijke Coöperatieve Bloemenveiling FloraHolland U.A.’ as a result of FloraHolland being awarded the Royal designation.
Green light for new structure to increase member involvement
In 2011, FloraHolland worked alongside its members on a new advisory structure for the purposes of increasing involvement in the cooperative. Chairman of the Board Bernard Oosterom: "We would like to see the influence of members increased within the FloraHolland cooperative. Thanks to the proposed strengthening the FPCs (FloraHolland Product Committees) and the creation of the Advisory Boards, we will now be able to realize this improvement." Member input will be substantiated via the product line starting 1 January 2012. This means that renewed FPCs will be allocated the status of advisory panels for the cooperative company. Two advisory boards (one for plants; one for flowers) will be created to operate as umbrella organizations over the renewed FPCs and given new responsibilities. Three Regional Advisory Committees will also be set up in Israel, Kenya and Ethiopia.
Consumer marketing Flower Council Holland assured
The financing of BBH that is based on the HPB levy will come to an end as of 2013. "Together with BBH and VGB, we have drawn up a business plan in which we bring together entrepreneurs, and the marketing power of BBH, VGB, HPB and FloraHolland in one strong marketing cluster which is positioned close to the business. If we do not do this, there will be no BBH next year," explains general director Timo Huges. The cooperative members approved FloraHolland taking over this financing as of 1 January 2013. This will take place via a commission increase of 0.2%, on the condition that the HPB levy for FloraHolland suppliers is reduced by at least the same amount.
Budget 2012 approved
Members approved a change to the contribution calculation. This is intended to ensure that contribution income (vital for covering cooperative costs) remains intact, even with a slightly reduced number of members, without smaller growers having to suffer.
As a result of the costs for the uniform auction trolley project being lower than expected, rental will be increased by a total of only €20 over two consecutive years. This is €5 less than the expected €25. A new rate system which operates on the basis of the cost-creator/cost-bearer principle will apply to CC containers in 2012.
CFO Erik Leeuwaarden: "I realize that we are all going through tough economic times. Luckily, FloraHolland is financially fit and healthy and is less dependent on banks. In our capacity as an auction, we can absorb a certain amount of blows without having to bother you about it. I think that these new plans will enable us to see in the New Year in a financially responsible manner."
Digitized general members’ meeting
Thanks to a pilot project, the general member's meeting in Naaldwijk was available online for the first time, allowing national and international members to follow the meeting from beginning to end. An interpreter was also present to translate everything into English for the international members. The voting keypads that were available to members in the meeting room were also new and very efficient, and enabled the results of voting rounds to be announced in the blink of an eye.
Source: FloraHolland