First Semi-Finalists Announced For The Floraholland 'Glazen Tulp 2013' Award

FLORAHOLLAND – The first semi-finalists for the FloraHolland Glazen Tulp 2013 Award have been announced. Every year, FloraHolland presents growers and breeders with a Glazen Tulp. The Glazen Tulp is the floriculture industry’s most prestigious award for the best market introduction of the year. Over two rounds of voting, buyers and sellers who are FloraHolland customers can vote in the categories of cut flowers, houseplants, garden plants, and concepts.

Results from the first round
The first round of voting has taken place. In this round, products in the categories of cut flowers, and house and garden plants were up for judging. The following new products received the most votes and will continue on to the semi-finals:

Cut flowers
– Curcuma Gingerstar Red Torch – G.F.J. van Seters (De Lier)
– Hydrangea macrophylla 'Harlekijn' (blue) – Mts. Lambregts-van Loon (Oosteind), Mts. Saris (Maasbree)
– Large-flowered Rosa Avalanche Emerald+ – van den Berg Roses (Delfgauw)
– Large-flowered Rosa Purple Haze – Fontana Ltd. (Nakuru, Kenya)
– Spray Rosa Pashmina Summerhouse – Werner Ruland (Duisburg-Rahm)
– Vanda Varut Leopard 'Leopard Beauty' – Boomaplant BV (Monster)

– Aechmea fasciata 'Griffe' – Bromelia Specialist BV (Moerkapelle)
– Aeschynanthus 'Tornado' – BS Plant BV (Sleeuwijk)
– Anthurium Andreanum Grp Princess Amalia Purple – Kwekerij Hofzicht BV (De Lier) and Kwekerij Berckenrode BV (De Lier)
– Begonia Elatior Grp double-flowered 'Dardoran' – Pligt Professionals BV (Heinenoord)
– Medinilla Florinilla Bella – Kwekerij Laguna BV (Wateringen)
– Saintpaulia 'Curly Ocean' – Kwekerij Bakesteyn (de Waard) (Ridderkerk)
– Sansevieria bacularis series – Fachjan BV (Honselersdijk)
– Sansevieria trifasciata 'Bentel's Sensation' – Fachjan BV (Honselersdijk)
– Tacca chantrieri 'Green Mystery' – Kwekerij Laguna BV (Wateringen)

Garden plants
– Scilla peruviana Caribbean Jewels Sapphire Blue – J.H. v.d. Vossen BV (Lisserbroek)
– Helleborus nigercors 'Snow Love' – Canteira BVBA (Lochristi, Belgium), F.N. Kempen BV (Mijdrecht) and A.J.M. van Santen (Schipluiden)
– Nandina domestica 'Obsessed' – AP Zundert BV (Wernhout) and Boomkwekerij Ron van Opstal BV (Zundert)
– Rhododendron Rhodo Xxl – ID'Flor BVBA (Lochristi, Belgium)

Photos of the products nominated for the Glazen Tulp 2013 are available on the website.

Winner of a dinner for two
A dinner for two was raffled off under the voting buyers and sellers and the winner was Henk-Jan van de Eijkel from Waterdrinker Aalsmeer.
The second round of voting for the Glazen Tulp 2013 will take place in mid September of this year and buyers are again warmly invited to vote. Another prize will also be raffled off.

Photo caption: Henk-Jan van de Eijkel from Waterdrinker Aalsmeer accepts his prize from Karin van Luijk from FloraHolland as a token of gratitude for voting.

Source: FloraHolland