Earthquake 7.8: Ecuador Needs Your Help Now

As you have all heard on the news, on April 16, Ecuador’s coastline suffered a very strong earthquake measuring 7.8 on the Richter scale. Our FleuraMetz Quito office is located only 170km away from the epicenter. Luckily our staff is all safe, and so is everyone at the 80+ farms that we are working with in Ecuador.

"But unfortunately not everybody has been so lucky", says our Ecuadorian office manager Victor van Dijk. "Many have lost their homes, got injured or have even lost dear family members." Thousands of people are suffering under terrible conditions of health, infrastructure and access to both roads and communication. There's no food, no drinking water and no electricity in the affected area.

The entire Ecuadorian nation has reacted immediately by collecting food, donating clothing, bottled water, mattresses and any other basic needs. "I have never before seen Ecuador so united and in solidarity", says Victor. "Simply heartbreaking!" It will probably take years of work and cost billions of dollars to rebuild the country again.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: FleuraMetz