DVFG Honors Those Who Have Sacrificed For Our Freedom

DVFlora was honored to be a part of this year’s Memorial Day Flowers Foundation event at the Salem County Veterans Cemetery in Woodstown, NJ. 30 DVFlora volunteer’s participated in placing over 3,000 rose stems on the headstones of those who have died while serving our country.  It is a great honor to recognize the ultimate sacrifice these brave men and women gave and it’s just as important to remember the family members left behind to carry on their legacy.

“My name is Madison and I am a new employee at DVFG. When I heard that DVFlora was participating in the Memorial Day Flowers Event I immediately wanted to volunteer to help out. It was a very eye-opening experience for and one that I will never forget. Placing over 3,000 roses on headstones made me truly appreciate those who have served for our country and how brave each Veteran was. I am thankful for the experience and I can’t wait to be involved next year!”

If you are interested in learning more about the Memorial Day Flowers Foundation or to give a donation please visit their website or Facebook page!

To read the rest of the story, please go to: DVFlora