Dümmen Orange has launched INTRINSA™. This new brand will represent all upcoming product innovations for several innovative traits and crops designed to deliver increased value-add for our customers. Various traits have been identified to increase resistance for amongst others bacteria, virus, viral and fungal diseases. Beyond these resistances, also traits related to tolerance for environmental stresses (e.g. cold, heat and drought) and improvements for production performance will be launched under this new brand.
Following the recent opening of our Breeding Technology Centre in the Netherlands, Dümmen Orange now presents INTRINSA, a new brand which will be used to label Dümmen Orange’s product innovations coming from its R&D pipeline. Dümmen Orange aims to shape the future of the floricultural industry and believes in more technology-driven R&D to develop superior and sustainable genetics for its customers, retailers and global consumers.
Understanding the key
There is no better teacher than nature. By deciphering and analysing the genetic code of plants, we learn about the precise biological causes for existing or missing resistances. In the next step, INTRINSA uses and develops our knowledge on existing DNA code in commercial varieties by systematically improving and extending crucial traits of a plant. In this way, deficiencies are cured from within, making use of the plant’s intrinsic and natural capabilities. The results: plants which are able to withstand a multitude of biotic and abiotic stresses.
To read the rest of the story, please go to: Dümmen Orange