Dümmen Orange, world’s largest breeder and propagator, and ProRoot, breeder of rose rootstocks, signed an agreement for collaboration in Kenya. To strengthen the market position of revolutionary varieties and rose rootstock even further.
The agreement was signed by Reinoud Hagen (MD Cut Flowers EMEA at Dümmen Orange), Koen Stigter (Product Manager Rose at Dümmen Orange) and Peter van de Pol Jr. (MD and Partner at PRO). The agreement grants Dümmen Orange full licensing for the propagation of ProRoot rootstocks on its existing genetics as well as on the genetics of breeders currently represented by Dümmen Orange in Kenya. The collaboration creates a win-win situation for both companies and allows growers to choose from a broad range of high-quality cut rose-material in Kenya.
Koen Stigter is delighted with the new agreement: “Dummen Orange and especially our team in Naivasha, Kenya is very excited about this opportunity to propagate ProRoot rootstocks in Kenya. Over the years we have gathered information on the ProRoot rootstock varieties and monitored their performance in our assortment as well as the assortments of other breeders that we represent. Working with different rootstocks give new insights into plant characteristics and thus new opportunities.”
To read the rest of the story, please go to: Dümmen Orange