Deliflor Chrysanten Introduces 'Copa'

In week 1 temperatures start rising to a tropical degree due to the introduction of Copa. Zentoo starts supplying the yellow spray single flowered chrysanthemum Copa on January 4th. The connection between the Brazilian Copa and this new chrysanthemum with her bright yellow colour and bright green centre is not difficult to make. Put the bright, happy colours of Copa next to the colours of the Brazilian flag, and feel the tropics!

To heat up everybody, the supply of Copa starts cautiously with 20.000 stems a week. In the new year amounts will increase to a higher level.

  • Grower: Zentoo
  • Supply: FH Naaldwijk and FH Aalsmeer
  • Amounts: 20.000 stems a week, increasing to a higher level
  • VBN-code: 119002

Source: Deliflor Chrysanten