Consumers: “Plants Represent Warmth And Joy”

The Dutch Horticulture Product Board (“Productschap Tuinbouw”) recently did research into the “experience and significance of house plants”, in order to be able to fine tune its marketing efforts. It turns out that consumers feel that green plants represent warmth, whereas flowering plants may be said to symbolize joy and happiness.

Primary aim of the Product Board was to find out what the underlying motives are for people that purchase flowers: what exactly is it that seduces customers into buying flowering or green plants? Thorough insight into these matters would make it easier to properly market plants and flowers, hence constitutes essential knowledge, according to the ‘Productschap’.

The main findings are that flowering house plants are associated with optimism, freedom and growth by the customers. A critical side note they make, however, is that there shouldn’t be too many, as that results in ‘unrest’. “What matters is the aesthetics of the plant, which are done justice the most by providing it with space”.

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