Celebrate Mother’s Day With Floral Masterpieces From Teleflora

On Sunday, May 9, children young and old will celebrate that special woman in their lives who has always been there for them. Teleflora, the world's leading flower : wire service, has the floral gifts to ensure Mother's Day will be memorable. Beautiful bouquets of fresh flowers are always a good choice and form a classic staple in Mother's Day gift-giving traditions.

Teleflora is offering customers a variety of Mother's Day flower bouquets that convey the message of how special moms are to their families. Teleflora's Antique Lace Bouquet, available for $79.95 on teleflora.com, is a timeless classic that will be treasured by recipients. Roses, carnations, alstroemeria and Sweet William arrive in a thick tapered glass vase decorated with a hand-etched lace motif and scalloped rim. Teleflora's Chalk it Up Bouquet is a beautiful bouquet of roses, daisy spray chrysanthemums and button spray chrysanthemums available at teleflora.com for $39.95. The flowers burst out of a keepsake ceramic container with a chalkboard-paint finish. It arrives with extra chalk so kids can surprise mom with new messages of love year-round.

"Every Mother's Day, millions search for the perfect gift that conveys to mom just how wonderful she is. Whether honoring a mother, stepmother, grandmother, aunt or any woman who has made an impact on one's life, floral gifts that are exquisitely hand-arranged and hand-delivered send the right message," said Shawn Weidmann, President, Teleflora. "Our product line-up offers a wide assortment of bouquets at varying price points, making the Mother's Day gift : giving decision easy."

To support this year's product line, Teleflora will tap its infamous talking flowers and offer consumers the chance to send electronic greetings. Starting Wednesday, April 28, Teleflora's Mother's Day 30 second spot will be seen on women's focused cable channels, and during national, morning and syndicated talk shows through Thursday, May 6. The ad takes a humorous look at what happens when mom receives flowers in a box from her "slacker" sons, who opt not to order through teleflora.com, bringing to life the Teleflora difference — proving that if you don't send with Teleflora, you never know what your flowers for mom might say! Teleflora's Dragonfly Bouquet makes its debut in the commercial. Available on teleflora.com for $49.95, this stunning bouquet is hand-delivered to one's door full of lilies, alstroemeria and roses immaculately arranged in an elegant teardrop vase decorated with hand-etched dragonflies.

Teleflora is also offering consumers the chance to send virtual bouquets with a "sweet vs. sassy" e-card starting Monday, April 26. In the "sweet" execution, consumers can send someone a sincere message along with a beautiful, virtual Teleflora bouquet. In the "sassy" execution, the spirit of the talking flowers comes alive with consumer-generated or pre-selected funny messages along with a beautiful virtual Teleflora bouquet. With each "sweet or sassy" e-card, the sender is eligible for a sweepstakes prize of one bouquet a month for a year for themselves and their mom or recipient of their choice.

To place an order for a hand-arranged and hand-delivered floral gift by a local florist anywhere in the country, visit www.teleflora.com.

About Teleflora

Teleflora is the world's leading flower delivery service connecting customers with the nation's best local florists : for over 75 years. All Teleflora flower arrangements are artistically arranged and hand-delivered in a keepsake vase using only the freshest flowers : available through its member florist network. Headquartered in Los Angeles, California, Teleflora has over 18,000 member florists throughout the U.S. and Canada, with an additional 20,000 affiliated florists outside North America. Through its extensive member florist network, Web sites including www.teleflora.com : and www.findaflorist.com : , and its toll-free line 1-800-TELEFLORA, the company offers consumers fast, convenient and high-quality flowers and keepsake products.

Source: Teleflora