It was not long ago that perennials were first finding their place on the retail shelf. Back then, perennial plants were offered in quart containers near the back of the garden center. As the benefits of using perennials in the landscape became more well-known by the consumer, production started to shift to larger containers. With the recent rise in raw goods and production costs, the lowly quart container is starting to look more economically appealing. Whether it be as an easy impulse buy or a promotional item, customers see the potential in this smaller input. They like the idea of being able to mix and match varieties to obtain more diversity. While not all perennials are appropriate for small containers, Syngenta’s perennial offering has several appropriate products for small container production.
Just as pansies and violas are a must-have to start the spring season, there are some key perennials that customers expect to see on the bench. The following perennial options are well suited for early-season quart programs.
Aquilegia Kirigami (seed)
The bold colors and upward-facing flowers of Kirigami™ are a spring favorite. Through new breeding, Syngenta introduced a series of Aquilegia that did not require traditional vernalization. This innovation allows Kirigami to be truly programmable like other spring annuals.
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