Bronze Florall Award For Mix Of Passion Concept

In the beginning of 2014, Plantcare bvba launched the concept of Mix of Passion, where flowering climbing plants for indoors and outdoors are brought together in a uniform presentation.  Different species of Passiflora, Clematis, Lonicera, Dipladenia and Jasminum are available in this concept.  The collection is always marketed in a new purple pot with appropriate label.  This recognisable packaging and the accompanying website in four languages were appreciated by the jury and given a bronze Florall award.

Plantcare bvba Chris Marreel en Nancy Quintyn

About us

VLAM, Flanders' Agricultural Marketing Board, is a non-profit organisation promoting the sale, the added value, the consumption and the image of products and services of the Flemish agriculture, horticulture, fishery and agro-alimentary sector in Belgium and abroad. It is commissioned by the business community and by the Flemish government and cooperates actively with as many links in the food chain as possible.

Source: VLAM, Flanders' Agricultural Marketing Board