Bouquet Basics And Trends

Since ancient times, brides have been carrying fragrant bouquets of flowers as they walk down the aisle. In the Greek tradition, tying together bundles of herbs and special flowers was believed to keep the bride safe from harm, giving her a long and happy marriage.

Today, wedding bouquets are less about warding off bad omens and more about adding a touch of natural beauty to the wedding day decor. But when it comes to choosing the right flowers for the bouquet, the decision can be a difficult one to make.

Calgary wedding planner Amira Harris believes that couples should tackle the task of picking out their bouquet by keeping a few simple things in mind. The first priorities are to always shop locally and to pick flowers that are in season.

"Choosing flowers that are locally grown saves on import costs," Harris says. "I also advise clients to pick flowers that are in season at the time of their wedding, since this will save them a fair amount of money as well. You can still have 'real' flowers for your wedding, you just need to keep an open mind about the kind."

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