Ever wonder what happens when the show Downton Abbey meets flowers? No, it’s not a weird dream you had after having too much tea — it’s a real event, that’s blooming right now! Yep, flowers aren’t just for gardens anymore. Fleurs de Villes is sprouting over SoFlo and be-leaf me you’ll wanna take a look at this.
Picture this. Over 25 flower installations transforming into something familiar, something iconic. It’s like a floral fantasy with a touch of elegance.
Karen Marshall: “We have the worldwide launch, of Fleur de Villes — Downton Abbey here at Bal Harbour Shops! Downton Abbey 3, the movie is coming out on September 12 and this much-beloved television program and movie series is coming to life in flowers in Bal Harbour shops in celebration of that!”
To learn more, please go to: WSVN-TV.