The spray chrysanthemum Baltica of breeder Deliflor Chrysanten, has been the variety with the highest market share in the spray segment for over 13 years now. This variety will switch places within VannoVa, an alliance of leading chrysanthemum growers.
Grower R&A van Kester has been involved with Baltica from the early beginnings of this variety and has supported Baltica to be the successful variety it is nowadays. They have grown Baltica as of the introduction, first on an individual basis, later on as part of the growers alliance VannoVa. R&A van Kester will now stop growing chrysanthemums and therefore Baltica will move within VannoVa to master grower Fred van Paassen, a worthy successor. Fred van Paassen is also known for its high quality chrysanthemums and will start supplying Baltica as of week 3.

During the Flower Trial that Deliflor organizes in week 3, there will be an official moment in which Deliflor will thank René, André and Bart van Kester for its long-standing commitment to the chrysanthemum variety Baltica. Also the variety will be symbolically transferred to Fred and Jan van Paassen. Deliflor is pleased that the supply of Baltica is guaranteed within the growers alliance VannoVa.