Averting Valentine’s Day Disasters

Here it is again–that mysterious holiday where things so often seem to go
wrong! What is it about Valentine’s Day that makes it so tough?

The tips below have saved many of my clients’ relationships from Valentine’s Day
disasters. I hope they’ll work for you, too. They are a bit stereotyped, I
suppose. But what is Valentines Day if not a celebration of the
Masculine/Feminine roles in all of us?

FOR GUYS (or the Masculine Partner) Maybe you’re one of those valiant guys who
keeps trying, Or maybe you gave up long ago ‘cuz you never could seem to please
her, Or maybe you just do the expected, pick up some roses at the Safeway and a
card, or make restaurant reservations someplace fancy, and hope to get through
the evening without disappointing her.

To read the rest of this story please go to:

The Huffington Post