Assessing The Economic Impact Of Ontario's Greenhouse Sector

Greenhouse vegetable and flower production is a leading sector in Ontario horticulture and agriculture.

With 3,200 acres in agricultural production, Ontario’s diversified greenhouse sector contributes $2.3 billion to the province’s economy. Not only do Ontario’s greenhouse crops generate an estimated $1.5 billion in annual farm gate sales, but the sector also has exports valued at $920 million, and employs over 20,000 workers, making it a vital source of economic activity in Ontario’s rural communities.

To get an accurate assessment of the sector’s total economic footprint, The Ontario Greenhouse Alliance, which represents the Ontario greenhouse sector on behalf of its two member organizations Flowers Canada (Ontario) and Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Growers, accessed funding through Growing Forward 2 (GF2) to conduct a thorough economic impact study.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Canada's Agricultural Adaptation Council