ASCFG 2019 Cut Flowers Of The Year

The Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers, Inc. announces its selections for the 2019 Cut Flowers of the Year. These varieties are chosen by the ASCFG’s 1600 members on their ease of culture, productivity, and marketability.

Woody Cut of the Year

Hydrangea paniculata ‘Quick Fire’

Developed in the Netherlands, ‘Quick Fire’ is one of the earliest paniculatas to bloom each year, usually two weeks ahead of others. This makes it an ideal season extender for cut flower growers, especially those in cooler climates who may not have hydrangea flowers until August. The flowers on this lacecap start white, and turn red as they age. They’re also lightly fragrant, and prime pollinator attractors. A bonus is the dark green foliage with red petioles, making the shrub as pretty as in October as it is fresh in July. Great for bouquets, wreaths, and large-scale designs. 

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers, Inc.