ALEXANDRIA, VA – Floriculture and horticulture students now have the chance to apply for more than 20 different scholarships through the American Floral Endowment (AFE).
The deadline is May 1st to submit applications for sophomore through senior students, as well as graduate students.
AFE encourages students to apply for scholarships early, as the need for financial assistance in floriculture and environmental horticulture programs is great. In 2015, AFE awarded more than $37,000 in scholarships.
"It's our primary function at the Endowment to award scholarships to students to help in their journey of becoming industry leaders," AFE Executive Director Debi Aker said. "We understand the financial burden students face and know that an investment in their education is an investment in the future of the industry."
Descriptions of each scholarship offered, along with the undergraduate and graduate applications and requirements, are available online. Applications and supporting materials must be received by the May 1st deadline.
To apply online and read about AFE's 2015 scholarship recipients, visit
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The American Floral Endowment is a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing the floriculture and horticulture industry through funding research, educational grants and scholarships. Since 1961, more than $15 million has been funded in research and educational projects, and more than $1.5 million has been funded in scholarships and internships designed to attract and retain the future leaders of the industry. To learn more about AFE or make a tax-deductible contribution, visit
Source: The American Floral Endowment