Anthurium Is The Houseplant Of The Month For June

The Flamingo Flower (Anthurium) is the houseplant of the month for June. It’s an exotic plant which brings a classic, as well as a modern interior to life, with its shiny leaves and coloured bract.

Loved and shiny

The Flamingo Flower deserves its long-term position on the plant wish list. This beloved houseplant makes a statement with its shiny green leaves, coloured bracts and cheerful spadix. A white Flamingo Flower creates a serene atmosphere, while the brightly coloured varieties create a lively atmosphere. The plant fits into every interior, which is why it is great to give as a gift.

From the tropical rain forests

In 1857 the Austrian doctor and botanist Dr. Karl van Scherzer found the first variety of Flamingo Flower, named Anthurium scherzerianum. The second was discovered during an expedition in 1876 in the Andes Mountains in Colombia, by Ecuador by Eduard Francois Andre. He also named this plant after himself: Anthurium andreanum. Nowadays we have more than 400 varieties of Flamingo Flowers.

Light position, damp soil

The Flamingo Flower likes a light position, but not direct sunlight. Give the plant lukewarm water at least once or twice a week and ensure the root ball stays damp. If the soil turns black instead of brown this means it has been watered too much.

Good to know:

  • You mostly find the Flamingo Flower in red, but it is also available to buy in pink, purple, orange, yellow, white or green
  • The Flamingo Flower symbolizes exotic beauty
  • The Flamingo Flower works really well as a cut flower in (bridal) bouquets
  • The Flamingo Flowers’ coloured bract is often mistaken for the flower, but the real flowers grow on the spadix and look like small bumps
  • The name Anthurium (Flamingo Flower) originates from the Greek language
  • Anthos means “flowering” and oura “tail”. This name arises from its flowering method, which comprises a bract and a spadix, with the spadix being compared to a tail
  • The Flamingo Flower became fashionable as a houseplant in the nineteenth century, particularly because of its striking appearance
  • Some Flamingo Flower varieties are traditionally used in medicines, or to perfume tobacco
  • The Flamingo Flower belongs to the Araceae family. Other plants which belong to this family are the Calla Lily (Houseplant of the month of May) and the Dieffenbachia
  • The Flamingo Flower produces new flowers and leaves when the old leaves and flowers discolour. You can then remove the yellow leaves and withered flowers. If the leaves are shining nicely then the Flamingo Flower is totally happy

Source: Flower Council of Holland