Anthura Inspiration Tour As A Step Forward In The Chain

As a breeder Anthura feels strongly about the added value of inspiring and communicating with floral experts from all over the world. By inviting them to visit the company’s own showroom and not only tell them the story but also by letting them experience the abundance of different varieties, they have the unique opportunity to look behind the scenes. The knowledge and the inspiration they experience makes them tell the story of anthurium with pleasure to their own customers.

Behind closed doors

Breeding is a long term process and it is commonly executed behind closed doors. By offering florists an Anthurium tour, our doors are opened for them and conversation starts. The feedback of florists on future varieties influences our breeding selections a certain way. It gives us valuable insights in the florist’s choice and use of our flowers and plants.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Anthura BV