Anthura At The TPIE

The TPIE, the Tropical Plant Industry Exhibition, will be held from January 22 until January 24 this year in Fort-Lauderdale (United States of America). This year special attention is paid to two promising varieties.

Novelties TPIE

Alabama pink®
This spectacular Anthurium pot plant is named after a big American state. If you won’t do it for less, this magnanimity with its pink flowers is truly the right plant for you. Alabama Pink® is suitable for the bigger pot sizes (14, 17 en 21 cm).

Anthura Cagliari
This Phalaenopsis variety has an intense yellow colour, good production and the plant can give 3 branches. Unlike the most Phalaenopsis varieties, Cagliari smells.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Anthura BV