Anemones Are Adaptable

Various kinds of anemones are in flower through much of the spring, summer and fall and are well worth acquiring. All are beautiful, have relatively large flowers and most tolerate a range of soils.

The earliest bloomer is Anemone blanda, which uncoils itself from the soil in early March and opens its daisy-like flowers in purple, mauve, pink or white whenever sunshine touches them.

It comes from the eastern Mediterranean, but is quite hardy in southwest B.C. and not fussy about soil. Sun or light shade suits it well and, if undisturbed, it self-sows abundantly. Flowers from these volunteers are usually purple.

Anemone blanda is usually offered in fall, and the twisted knobby tubers can be a puzzle to plant. The larger rounded side will produce the stems but, frankly, whatever you do the tuber senses where the light is and stems grow to reach it.

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