DOWNERS GROVE, IL – In 2015, All-America Selections (AAS), in conjunction with the Perennial Plant Association (PPA), successfully launched a brand new perennial trial with five entries and corresponding comparisons. The first winners from those trials were announced last July at the combined PPA Symposium and AAS Summer Meeting in Chicago. Subsequent entries are “in the ground” and being evaluated by the experienced AAS judges according to strict AAS guidelines.
Entries are now being accepted for the 2021-2024 (three winter) trial. The entry submission deadline is September 1, 2020 to coincide with breeders’ timeline of summer evaluations and introduction decisions.
Entries have to be new, never-before-sold, but, after submission to the AAS Perennial Trial, they may be introduced commercially. When the trial is completed, if the entry scores high enough to be become an AAS Winner, after criteria is met and the announcement is made by AAS, the breeder may then market that variety as an AAS Winner. Entries accepted will be perennials propagated from seed, cutting, tissue culture or bare root. A seed entry can be trialed against a vegetative or TC comparison and vice-versa. Entries will be trialed next to comparisons, continuing the AAS legacy.
AAS is also now accepting entries for the other (expanded) trials:
- Ornamentals – Click here for entry form
- Edibles/vegetables from seed – Click here for entry form
The deadline for these entries is November 1, 2020 and they are trialed for one growing season. Breeders who wish to have their perennials tested for first-season performance can continue to use the one-season trial. Complete information is available on the AAS website. Entries and comparisons are sent to all trialing sites in early 2021. For additional information, please contact Diane Blazek via email or phone at 630-963-0770
All-America Selections (AAS) is a non-profit organization founded in 1932 to test new ornamentals and edibles for home gardening. We utilize a network of 90 judges in over 55 trials grounds across North America to rate entries against comparisons. Our active public relations program promotes the best performers that are declared AAS Winners.
Perennial Plant Association (PPA) is a trade association composed of growers, retailers, educators, landscape designers and contractors that are professionally involved in the herbaceous perennial industry.
Together, the two organizations have determined the details necessary to conduct a thorough and horticulturally sound perennial trial and PPA actively endorses this new AAS trial.