All-America Selections, a non-profit organization known for trialing and promoting superior garden-performing flowers and vegetables, is pleased to announce a new logo and correlating website with a fresh modern design to take the organization into their next 80 years.
At the AAS Summer Summit in August, Mike Murgiano of Syngenta Flowers, chair of the AAS task force responsible for the new image of All-America Selections (AAS) said, "Our new logo honors the past 80 years of AAS history by maintaining the familiar red, white and blue, but in updated tones. We also are embracing our future with the strong use of the AAS acronym that represents an easily identifiable connection to our organization and our winning plants and flowers."
Adds Diane Blazek, Executive Director, "The words 'All-America Selections' encircling the acronym symbolizes how the organization embraces not only seed annual flowers and vegetables but how we plan to embrace vegetatively propagated annuals and perennials in the future."
To read the rest of the story, please go to: All-America Selections