The merger of breeding and young plant production companies Dümmen and Agribio Group, of which Fides belongs to, has been closed. From this moment on all Fides bedding plants are sold under Red Fox label. The only expection which has been made, is that all Idols Geraniums, Merite series and the latest interspecific geraniums will be offered under Fides label. This emphasizes the unique characteristics of the well known Fides geraniums.
This means that this Fides Geranium Special goes hand in hand with the Red Fox bedding plants catalogue. It points out that we kept best of both worlds and that we are capable to offer you a broad overall assortment.
DNA Green Group is the new holding name. The positive effects of Fides being part of a larger group of breeders are currently clearly noticeable. By combining forces, the product range has become even broader and we are able to offer you new (trial) varieties immediately! To be more specific: last year we took a further step in breeding "regular" Idols and interspecific geraniums. It resulted in the introduction of various new products. This year, we have more additions that complete the assortment.
To read the rest of the story, please go to: Fides