2017 AFE Fundraising Dinner Canceled Due To Hurricane Irma

ALEXANDRIA, VA – The American Floral Endowment (AFE) 2017 Fundraising Dinner, scheduled in conjunction with the Society of American Florists' Annual Convention in Palm Beach, was canceled due to Hurricane Irma.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to those affected by this massive storm in Florida and elsewhere.

"Despite the cancellation of our annual fundraising event, AFE wants to recognize the individuals and companies who have generously contributed to our programs supporting the floral industry," said AFE Chairman Dwight Larimer.

A very special thanks goes to:

  • 24 donors reaching new giving levels, ranging from $10,000 to $150,000*
  • More than 50 dinner sponsors
  • 10 organizations who pledged more than $500,000 in total giving to our Botrytis and thrips research campaign

Additional dinner highlights were to have included:

  • Three new named funds totaling more than $200,000
  • Recognizing Sakata Seed America for contributing $10,000 to AFE for its "40 Days of Summer Giving" matching gift campaign; the total giving to AFESUPER-EXCEEDED the fundraising goal at more than $32,000!
  • New officer appointments — Jim Daly as Chairman-Elect and Laura Shinall as a Treasurer/Secretary-Elect

While we had to cancel our event, many of our sponsors generously donated their sponsorship contributions to AFE. We are extremely appreciative of this generosity and support.

Visit our website to view/download the dinner program and see the full list of donors, sponsors and AFE's industry efforts throughout the past year.

EDITOR'S NOTE: If you are able to publish our full-page ad in your print or electronic publications to help us thank the many industry organizations who supported this event, please let us know. As a nonprofit organization, AFE does not have a marketing budget. We appreciate any assistance. Thank you.

 *The donors reaching new giving levels will be recognized during the 2018 AFE Fundraising Dinner.

About AFE 

The American Floral Endowment is a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing the floriculture and horticulture industry through funding research, educational grants and scholarships. Since 1961, more than $15 million has been funded in research and educational projects, and more than $2 million has been funded in scholarships and internships designed to attract and retain the future leaders of the industry. To learn more about AFE or make a tax-deductible contribution, visit www.endowment.org.

Source: The American Floral Endowment