'Wheying' In: Cheesemaking As A Profession

Just imagine a plate of beautiful cheese: five artisanal varieties.

Fresh ricotta made with organic whole milk, scented with sweet grass and clover, then transformed and hand-ladled and molded into individual baskets 24 hours before arriving on your plate.

The other varieties are aged. “Medallion” is a soft-ripened cheese that has notes of fresh mushroom and citrus and is aged for two weeks. “Prix de Diane” is a soft ripened cheese that has a big, creamy and buttery flavor that is aged for four weeks. “Opus 42″ is a semi-firm cheese that is mold-ripened to produce a natural rind, with a sharp and nutty flavor that takes three months to develop. Fourth on the plate is the “Morgan,” also aged 3 months and a firm cheese that is salty and grassy with a long finish.

Seven days a week, Allison Lakin makes these five distinct cheeses by hand. She is the owner and cheesemaker of Lakin’s Gorges Cheese LLC located in Rockport, Maine.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Bangor Daily News