When shoppers make deli purchases, retailers see an increase in overall basket rings. This impacts margins for the entire store. More critical though, are the costs when deli shoppers take their business elsewhere. And the stakes get even higher when you consider only one in four shoppers regularly make deli purchases, diminishing that shopper pool even more.
50 Percent Failure Rate
Shoppers are dissatisfied with the deli half of the time. But that’s not all. According to proprietary research, procured by Tyson Deli/Bakery, 53% of shoppers who have had a problem in their deli shopping experience will stop shopping prepared foods at that store for at least awhile. That means they won’t shop your deli at all! Poor experiences affect the current shopping trip and they also create an impact moving forward as well.
Problems that Drive Shoppers Elsewhere
Issue number one: long wait time. As consumer trends continue to shift toward demand for speedy service, wait time in the deli is a challenge retailers will need to address if they want to grow this profitable area.
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