The Hi-Tech Deli Counter

Don't look now – but the deli counter is about to go digital! Studies show that customers “waste” 5 to 12 minutes on average per visit to the supermarket, waiting for their orders at the deli, cheese, or meat counter to be filled. For customers, it's a waste of time, since there's no more boring or frustrating experience at the market than “waiting for your number” to come up. For stores, it's a missed marketing opportunity; when customers are waiting, they're not shopping, which means that they're likely to have less merchandise when they get to the checkout line.

But all that is about to change, thanks to a groundbreaking product by Shekel Electronic Scales, Israel's biggest maker of commercial and medical scales, and in fact one of the leading scale makers in the world. A new interactive scale will display not only the weight and cost of the product the customer is buying – it will also display ads related to the items that the customer ordered. Those ads are visible not only to the current customer – but to all customers waiting on line.

The ads are customized for each product the customer orders – so they're different every time, piquing the customers' interest, and guaranteeing that they will be watching to see “what comes next.” Thus, if the customer is ordering hummus at the deli counter, the store can display an ad or incentive to encourage customers to buy pita, pickles, and hot dogs – turning the buying experience from boring to interesting for the customer, and profitable for the store!

To read the rest of the story, please go to: TechIsrael