PLYMOUTH, Wis. — Cross that hard-to-shop-for person off your holiday gift list, because who doesn’t love cheese? Today, The Big Cheese has made its debut and launched its e-commerce website, offering a premium 12- to 15-year aged Wisconsin cheddar cheese direct to customers to be enjoyed this holiday season.
Founded by Josh Gentine, part of the third generation of the family-owned Sargento Foods cheese legacy, The Big Cheese was created to move a special supply of sharp cheddar from farm to table. The Big Cheese specializes in 40-pound ($299), five-pound ($99) and two-and-a-half-pound ($49) blocks of premium, sharp-as-sh*t, aged-to-perfection cheddar cheese — and they’re ready to ship to everyone on your holiday list, now (and only) at https://thebigcheese.com.
“Why ‘The Big Cheese’? Because food doesn’t have to be serious. The cheese experience should be memorable and fun — and that starts well before that first bite, with a collective mix of humor, edginess and wit,” Gentine said. “Our perfectly aged cheese is a must-have for any holiday charcuterie board or to send that special someone who deserves a cheesy gift.”
The Big Cheese’s cheddar is the sharpest cheddar possible, delivered directly to the cheese lover’s doorstep — and its availability is perfectly timed with the increased demand for ready-to-eat food products and the exponential growth of online shopping. Just how sharp is it? It’s razor sharp — so handle with care; we aren’t liable for any cheese-related injuries.
To learn more about The Big Cheese, visit https://thebigcheese.com.
About The Big Cheese
Our story is simple: Sometimes life gives you lemons, and sometimes you stumble upon a special supply of the highest-quality, most insanely sharp cheddar mankind has ever known. After discovering a warehouse in Wisconsin full of this wondrous cheddar, we could have enjoyed it for ourselves for the next five decades, but that seemed selfish. Instead, we created The Big Cheese, a place where we could make cheddar witty, adventurous and a touch off-color, and, of course, drop occasionally groan-worthy puns. After all, our cheese has been around for nearly two decades. It’s old enough to say whatever it wants, even if it is a bit salty.