Rogue Creamery Celebrates B Corps Certification

In 2016, Rogue Creamery celebrated becoming a member of the Certified B Corporations™ (B Corps) community; this worldwide group of 2,000 B Corps™   meet the highest standards of verified, overall social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability. This certification represents the consummation of a year- long thorough evaluation and verification of Rogue Creamery’s social and community contributions, environmental performance, financial accountability, public transparency and team member practices verified by the non-profit B Lab company.

Rogue Creamery was acclaimed for its holistic business methods and its “Top of Class” scores particularly in Environmental Practices, Community Practices including civic engagement and giving, as well as overall Governance including transparency and accountability. This certification will allow the Creamery to set a transparent example of a company that can act as an instrument of change and make a greater impact by helping to influence other organizations to follow this example of verified social and environmental performance.

In 2014 Rogue Creamery registered as the 1st Benefit Company in the state of Oregon, so attaining the B Corp certification was the next logical step for the business to take. Rogue Creamery has been following sustainable practices as a way of life and making a significant social and environmental impact in all the communities where it operates since its founding over 80 years ago.

Rogue Creamery has a conscious plan to be a leading example of a zero- impact food producer by 2021; they look not only within their company to integrate behavioral and operational change to reach sustainability goals but also to its suppliers and end users.              

Its 75 acre USDA Certified Organic Dairy provides safe and fair working conditions; ensures the health and humane treatment of animals; does not use hormone or antibiotic supplements; does not raise genetically modified crops or livestock; protects water resources; protects and enhances soil resources; provides wildlife habitat and continually improves practices. The Creamery currently has 3 solar projects in place that produce 50% of its electrical needs and is well on its way to generating all its electrical needs by 2021. In addition, Rogue Creamery provides its sustainable templates to all businesses that inquire. President David Gremmels is a Director on Oregon Governor Brown’s Sustainability Commission Board.

B Lab company:  a nonprofit organization that serves a global movement of people using business as a force for good. B Lab drives this systemic change by: Building a global community of Certified B Corporations TM who meet the highest standards of verified, overall social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability.

Source: Rogue Creamery