Landmark Creamery Suffers Financial Loss of $ 20,000 After Losing 1,000 Pounds of Cheese

Culinary Ladies Collective—a network of female chefs, cooks, food and beverage producers, growers and artisans—launched a GoFundMe page to help Landmark Creamery, a local cheese company based in Belleville.

According to the page, Landmark Creamery, owned by Anna Thomas Bates and Anna Landmark, lost 1,000 pounds of hand-crafted cheese after its cold storage facility in Monticello threw it away.

Landmark Creamery fell behind on payments and ultimately owed the storage company $1,000. According to the post, the creamery made a payment on the balance and told the owner that they would pay back the company as soon as possible, but the owner declared the space abandoned and threw away the cheese.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Madison Magazine