Humane Practices Part Of Meister Cheese Protocol

MUSCODA — After 100 years in busi­ness, Meis­ter Cheese will have its own brand of cheese when the cal­en­dar turns to 2016.

The com­pany, in a part­ner­ship with Emmi Roth Cheese Co. in Mon­roe, will un­veil its Kin­dred Cream­ery brand of cheese in 2016. What is unique about the cheese is that the milk used to make it has to be pro­duced by farm­ers who meet a strict set of an­i­mal-wel­fare re­stric­tions but will be paid about $1 per hun­dred­weight more for their ef­forts.

Meis­ter Cheese of Mus­coda co-spon­sored a Dairy Fi­nan­cial Sem­i­nar with South­west Tech­ni­cal Col­lege Dec. 9 to in­form dairy farm­ers about their pro­grams and the op­por­tu­nity to earn a pre­mium for the milk they pro­duce. The higher pay price comes with a se­ries of stip­u­la­tions, how­ever. Farm­ers who par­tic­i­pate in Meis­ter’s Cows First pro­gram must meet an an­i­mal-wel­fare pro­to­col, steer clear of bovine so­ma­totropin, give their an­i­mals un­fet­tered ac­cess to the out­doors, not be fed an­i­mal byprod­ucts, and can­not have their tails docked.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Country Today