OMAHA, Neb., Oct. 28 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ — Inspired by last weekend’s famous sideline “hot dog incident,” Hebrew National would like to show its appreciation by offering football fans free hot dogs the next time a uniformed professional U.S. football player snacks on a hot dog, anytime during a game this season. The company hopes that a player out there answers its call and boldly takes a bite that could satiate the hunger of thousands of football fans.
“For us here at Hebrew National, it’s always thrilling to see a quarterback sneak executed flawlessly — especially when a hot dog is involved,” said
Angela Joyner, Vice President and General Manager, Hebrew National. “The next time a player tries this, we hope they’ll go for one of our 100 percent kosher beef franks. At least one thing’s for sure…if this happens again, every fan in attendance will certainly ‘relish’ the moment.”
To kick things off, Hebrew National will immediately reward all fans who attended last weekend’s Oakland game and bore witness to “hot dog-gate” in person.
Hebrew National Coupon Promotion Terms and Conditions
ATTEND: the next professional U.S. football game where a uniformed player is televised eating a hot dog during a game this season. Fans who attended the October, 25 2009 game in Oakland can receive their coupons immediately by
following the instructions below.
SEND: your official ticket stub including valid seat number and game date and a 3″x5″ card complete with your full name and address.
SEND TO: Sideline Hot Dog Offer, PO Box 1026, Grand Rapids, MN 55745-1026
RECEIVE: a coupon for a free package of Hebrew National Beef Franks
Offer limited to one request per seat number at game where free coupon offer applies and confirmation of “free coupon event” is solely the discretion of ConAgra Foods. Actual ticket stub must accompany request. Void where taxed, prohibited or restricted by law. Offer only available to US mailing addresses. Allow six (6) weeks for delivery. Submission must be received by within 30 days of game date and not after February 26, 2010.
Source: ConAgra Foods