Exotic Cheeses Transforming Culinary Possibilities

In this day and age, saying that you’re a cheese lover while only enjoying American, Cheddar, or Mozzarella varieties are the most basic and myopic statements about food that one could make. With access to cheeses from all over the world, recipes are rapidly adapting with the times to include non-traditional ingredients.

Just thinking about the implications of a cheese coup d'état rocked my mind.  “Cheese in apple pie: Un-American! Watermelon with cheese: Insanity!” Luckily, specifically those two examples actually sound reasonable to me now after a visit from the wonderful people at The Cheeses of Europe.

At a recent cheese tasting at our offices with a co-worker, a sample of ‘Magnifique’ European cheeses were provided for us. I looked forward to the event for weeks as I always am interested to learn about and try cheeses I usually pass on when I go to Trader Joe’s or Earth Fare, rationalizing that they’re too expensive and not even tasty anyway. I am now glad to be proven wrong on both fronts.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Charleston Chronicle