Croatian Cheese Wins Third At Global Contest In Wisconsin

The ABC cream cheese by Croatian company Belje has been ranked among the top global competitors during the world's largest cheese evaluation competition – World Championship Cheese Contest, held in the United States. The world's largest cheese manufacturers have sent as many as 2,595 samples from 23 countries, and ABC cheese with chives won the third place with 99.55 out of possible 100 points, reports on March 30, 2016.

ABC cheese with chives was assessed within the "spreadable flavoured natural cheese" category. The first place went to Alouette Le Petite Fromage Parmesan Basil by Alouette Cheese USA, and the second to Philadelphia Soft Cream Cheese Spread – Chive & Onion by Kraft Heinz, USA.

This was the 31st consecutive year that the World Championship Cheese Contest in Wisconsin was being held. The experts and renowned companies from around the world participated in the event. The high placement of the ABC samples in the cream cheese and flavoured cream cheese categories is not only a success for Belje, its producer, but for the entire Croatian dairy industry.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Total Croatia News