Cowboy Creamery – Old Friends Make Good Cheese

In case you hadn't noticed, the North Bay's cheese scene is dominated by women. There's Jennifer Bice of Redwood Hill Creamery, Sue Conley and Peggy Smith of Cowgirl Creamy, Cindy Callahan of Bellwether Farms, Lisa Gottreich of Bohemian Creamery and Seana Doughty of Bleating Heart, to name a few.

But here come the dudes! Old friends Keith Adams and Rob Hunter teamed up to open William Cofield Cheesemakers in Sebastopol last year. There's something else that distinguishes the duo, besides their gender: the cheese.

"We're British-inspired cheesemakers," Adams says. "No one is doing anything like this here."

Seeing that French- and Spanish-style cheeses were pretty well-covered by North Bay cheesemakers, and the fact that Adams is a big fan of English cheeses and spent time studying under some of England's master cheesemakers, the choice made practical sense. (Cofield is Adams' middle name; it sounds more British.)

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Bohemian