Calling for quick legislative action, Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association (WCMA) members today testified in support of two bills designed to protect consumers from misleading labels on imitation “dairy” products.
“It’s critical that consumers understand exactly what they’re buying, and offering to their families,” said John Umhoefer, WCMA Executive Director. “While these soy- and nut-based products may try to mimic milk, they cannot deliver the same nutritional benefits.”
Umhoefer, together with WCMA President Dave Buholzer of Klondike Cheese Company of Monroe and WCMA Past President Kim Heiman of Nasonville Dairy of Marshfield, delivered that message to the members of the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Tourism, in support of Senate Bills 81 and 83. The proposals, authored by Senator Howard Marklein (R-Spring Green) and Representative Travis Tranel (R-Cuba City), would ban the labeling of products as milk or as a dairy product or ingredient, if the food is not made from the milk of a cow, sheep, goat, or other mammals.
To read the rest of the story, please go to: Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association