The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is seeking nominations from fluid milk processors and other interested parties for candidates to serve on the National Fluid Milk Processor Promotion Board. The deadline for nominations is Jan. 12, 2024.
From the nominees, the Secretary of Agriculture will appoint eight individuals to succeed members whose terms expire on June 30, 2024. Newly appointed members will serve three-year terms from July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027.
USDA will accept nominations for board representation in six geographic regions and two at-large positions. Nominees for the regional positions and one of the at-large positions must be active owners or employees of a fluid milk processor. The other at-large position may be an active owner or employee of a fluid milk processor or a member of the general public.
The geographic regions with vacancies are Region 3 (Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and District of Columbia); Region 6 (Ohio and West Virginia); Region 8 (Illinois and Indiana); Region 9 (Alabama, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee); Region 12 (Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada and Utah); and Region 15 (Southern California).
Fluid milk processors and interested parties may submit nominations for regions in which they are located or regions in which they market fluid milk. They may also submit nominations for the at-large members.
To nominate individuals, a copy of the nomination form and a signed background form must be submitted for each nominee by Jan. 12, 2024. Nomination forms and information are available on the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) Fluid Milk Processor Promotion Board webpage. You may also call (202) 658-9369 to request the forms.
Nominations must be submitted by email to emily.debord@usda.gov or mailed to Emily DeBord, Promotion, Research and Planning Division, Dairy Program, Agricultural Marketing Service, USDA, 1400 Independence Ave., SW, Stop 0225, Room 2530-S, Washington, DC 20250-0225.
Since 1966, Congress has authorized industry-funded research and promotion boards to provide a framework for agricultural industries to pool resources and combine efforts to develop new markets, strengthen existing markets and conduct important research and promotion activities. AMS provides oversight to 22 boards. The oversight ensures fiscal accountability and program integrity and is paid for by industry assessments.
AMS policy is that diversity of the boards, councils and committees it oversees should reflect the diversity of their industries in terms of the experience of members, methods of production and distribution, marketing strategies, and other distinguishing factors, including but not limited to individuals from historically underserved communities, that will bring different perspectives and ideas to the table. Throughout the full nomination process, the industry must conduct extensive outreach, paying particular attention to reaching underserved communities, and consider the diversity of the population served and the knowledge, skills, and abilities of the members to serve a diverse population.