USDA Closes Organic Milk Loophole

Consumers can rest assured that organic milk can be associated with images of
cows on green pastures, eating grass still attached to the soil, in a herd,
taking in the sunshine.

Weve been trying to get the pasture rule clarified and educate consumers about
the organic frauds going on, said Honor Schauland, campaign assistant at the
Organic Consumers Association. This is a big victory for us.

The new USDA regulation surfaces after a five-year consultation process and
26,000 comments from farmers, retailers and trade associations.

Photo Caption: With the new USDA organic dairy pasture rules, consumers can be
confident that all organic milk is produced from cows that graze on pastures
during the grazing season for a minimum of 120 days.

Photo Credit: Sachpreet Chandhoke/MEDILL

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