Top 20 Milk Processors Collect 25.4% Of Produced Milk Worldwide

IFCN, the Dairy Research Network, released this week the actual IFCN Top 20 Milk Processor list. This list ranks the processor giants of the world by milk intake volume. Together, these top 20 processors collect 200 mill ton ME milk, 25.4% of produced milk worldwide.

Farmers of America lead the ranking in the IFCN Top 20 Milk Processors list with a milk intake of 28.1 mill t ME in 2015. The international cooperation Müller and Arla increased its intake about 1.7-2.0 mill t ME and by this upgrade their position in the list since 2014. Also the German processor DMK gained in the ranking, by the acquisition of the Dutch DOC Kaas company and adding 1 mill t ME to the milk intake. There are new entries in the top 20 list, Agropur and Schreiber Foods, interestingly both placed in the North American market. But no only western processors are key players in the dairy world. Amul from India and Yili and Mengniu from China collecting together 19.1 mill t ME of milk, nearly 10% of the top 20 processors.

Turn-over per kg of processed milk ranges between 0.5-2.4 USD per kg in 2015, whereas Nestlé and Danone ranked highest and DFA and California Dairies ranked lowest.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: IFCN, the Dairy Research Network