Smith Dairy Trucking Opens Northern Ohio CNG Fueling Station

ORRVILLE, Ohio— Smith Dairy Trucking unveiled a new Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) fueling island in northern Ohio late this summer and is now making the station available to other fleets, around the clock, seven days a week. Designed for 18-wheeler traffic, the privately owned station primarily services the six CNG-dedicated freightliner tractor trucks in the Smith Dairy fleet, and now welcomes other CNG vehicles to utilize the island, which accepts fleet accounts and credit card payments.

According to Dairy Enterprises Inc. Marketing Director Penny Baker, environmental impact was the primary motivation for the fleet conversion and fueling island. The low cost of natural gas and better city mileage was an added bonus.

“Our drivers really like the vehicles’ automatic transmissions and quiet, smooth ride,” said Baker. “Plus, our new tractor trucks can travel 325 miles on a fill-up, delivering SMITH'S premium dairy products throughout the region, while reducing greenhouse gasses.”

The CNG fueling station is located at 444 Hostetler Road in Orrville, Ohio, 44667, approximately one hour south of Cleveland and two hours north of Columbus, Ohio. Fleet managers are encouraged to contact Smith Dairy Trucking Fleet Manager Chuck Diehl at (330) 684-6586 or with questions or to establish a fleet account.

About Smith Dairy Products Company, Dairy Enterprises Incorporated, and Smith Dairy Trucking:

Smith Dairy Products Company manufactures products marketed by Dairy Enterprises Inc.  Family-owned since 1909 and headquartered in Orrville, Ohio, Smith Dairy Products Company has sister production facilities in Indiana (Wayne Dairy Products Inc.) and Missouri (Pacific Valley Dairy Inc.). Smith Dairy Products Company manufactures a full line of quality dairy, beverage, ice cream, and foodservice products, from Ruggles®Premium Ice Cream to SMITH’S Milk in the distinctive yellow jug. Dairy Enterprises Inc. and Smith Dairy Products Company assure their customers the freshest and highest-quality products. With more than 200 vehicles, Smith Dairy Trucking, also located in Orrville, Ohio, distributes SMITH’S and Ruggles brand products throughout the region. For more information, visit or become a fan of Smith Dairy and Ruggles on Facebook.

Source: Smith Dairy Products Company