Saint Benoît Creamery Releases New Logo & Yogurt Packaging

Sonoma, CA – Saint Benoît Creamery will be showcasing a new logo and refreshed packaging graphics for its line of Organic Jersey Cow’s Whole Milk Yogurt at the Winter Fancy Food Show in San Francisco beginning tomorrow, January 22, 2017. The clean lines add distinction to both the logotype and label while maintaining an artisanal feel.

Four flavors are available in a single serve, 4.75-ounce recyclable glass jar: French Vanilla, Meyer Lemon, Strawberry, and Original, which are now easily distinguishable and eye-catching on-shelf. Not only has the label on the glass jar been updated, but the foil lid is also different for each variety.  Similarly, a 23-ounce family format is sold in a glass jar, but with a gold tone twist off lid, in three delicate flavors: French Vanilla, Meyer Lemon, and Original.

One of the key elements to the unique flavor of Saint Benoît yogurt is that it is made solely from Jersey cow’s milk, which is recognized for its naturally sweet and creamy taste. The wholesome pasture-fed organic cow’s milk comes from a single-family farm in Two Rock in Sonoma county. Also contributing to the taste and texture of Saint Benoît’s sweet, mild and smooth yogurts is the use of yogurt cultures coming from France where they have been used for decades to produce the country’s best yogurts with these delectable qualities. Unlike most yogurt producers, Saint Benoît’s adds no thickeners, stabilizers or preservatives: Just milk, culture, and fruit – that’s it!

The fruit spreads used in Saint Benoît’s yogurts are made from whole, locally-grown, tree-ripened organic fruit and handcrafted by a local farm. There is less sugar in these natural fruit preserves than in commercially made jams, and the whole fruit is used, peel and all, which guarantees the freshest, tastiest product with the least amount of waste. Be on the lookout for bits of zest floating around in the Meyer Lemon, for example. With cream on top and fruit at the bottom, mix the yogurt—or just dig in!

Visit our Booth #4923 at the Winter Fancy Food Show from January 22 – 24, 2017.


About Saint Benoît Creamery

Saint Benoît Creamery began in 2004 with a mission of creating healthy, ‘terroir’ dairy products. ‘Terroir’ is a French word describing food “of a place;” food that reflects the character of the land from which it came. Saint Benoît’s ‘terroir’ is Sonoma County. From this coastal land’s unique climate, geography, history, traditions, and diverse population comes some of the best food on the West Coast. Saint Benoît yogurt, made in small batches right on the farm, is indeed food “of a place” – and its freshness is exceptional.

Source: Saint Benoît Creamery